I have a secret....
and I can't wait to share it....
Lisa miss you! lol
I can't wait to tell you what your birthday present is MUA HA HA HA-
I've been thinking about it for the last like 30 minutes and I'm SO EXCITED
Alls I gotta say is you better have cleared that date.
I, in fact, DID paint my nail tips on the bus (if my knee is the bus and my hand is the passenger...) guffah GUFFAH. Anyhow, yeah man toronto--TORONTO! If you do go any time soon, i HIGHLY SUGGEST...no no, i forcibly COERCE you to make a pit stop at Ding Dong Bakery.
OMG I just saw this now.
I miss you too SUNAH SO MUCH AHHHH
There's a kid in my class named sunah and I think of you every time I have to write her name on the board cause of study session. Hahaha omg I've been like accident prone here, this week's "accident" is how a mosquito bit my eye and now my eye looks like will smith's in hitch..HAHA, I should update, DANG it's so so tiring and hard here!! Anyways I REALLY wanna know what this bday present is, like madness, I miss ya!!
ahhh yes, there are several places you can pick up art supplies for a reasonable price. I would suggest Bijan's since its downtown (aka close to you), but the prices there are a little iffy. Sometimes things like sketchbooks are very reasonably priced, but other thigns like paints and canvases can be found for a much fairer price elsewhere. Michael's also has a pretty good section of paints, which are pretty cheap if you buy them with a coupon (which are usually always in their flyers...which you can pick up at the entrance of the store). But i recently discovered that in a deep dark corner of Wal-mart they sell paints and brushes that are quite reasonably priced. All these places are good, if you are in for a hunt. But if you kind of just want a 'one-stop-shop' I would suggest Bijan's. Oh yeah, and also, Dollarama sells some pretty good paint knives and brushes. They are pretty cheap and will have to be replaced for new sets after each use, but they're only a dollar so its PRETTY well worth it! Hope that has helped! Happy Painting!
OHHHHHHH yeah HAHA and i'm doing a drawing/painting independant study right now o_O...and i have an art history course that starts in july....woooooooooo =P. hehehe. longest comment everrrrrrr....
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