so i'm about a week away from round 2 of tackling the mcat and i must say i'm pretty nervous
i feel unprepared
i feel dumb
i feel like giving up
i feel unsure
i feel scared
they say second time's a charm, though... *insert weak, uncertain smile here*
after traversing to toronto to write the 5 hour-long computerized test, i hope to wind down by being pampered by mark. and by being pampered i mean hanging out with. lol.
but reallyyyyyy... i think a trip to canada's wonderland's been a long time coming. what better way to relieve the past 2 months of strenuous, excruciatingly hard work? if only i had actualllllly studied that hard. i think i studied pretty hard, but will it be good enough.... aaaaaaarggggghh
so i'm sitting here, with papers and books open everywhere on our dining room table and trying to calm down before attacking them again.
hmmm... in other news, i've been thinking lately. thinking about life, my future, my hopes and dreams... as amazing and wonderful it would be for med school to work out, ultimately i just want to be happy with what i'm doing, and feel that i am genuinely fulfilling my Purpose here. what is this purpose? ...
i can't believe another year is going to pass me by and leave me with no missions experience. how can i say i want to help poor/less fortunate people when i have virtually no idea who these people are or what they need? i am, of course, largely to blame for this; i don't persistently seek out such volunteer opportunities... i usually look into some project and then back away because of other responsibilities.... but i'm tired of not following through. send me. use me. MOVE me.
i must be more patient. with people, with myself.... with people.... i say i'm changed, but am i really? all the way down inside my heart? i want to be real.
doo doo doo...
hm..... i'm craving something but i can't quite figure out what.
ah well. back to the books!
Establishing Lasting Forgiveness
A letter I wrote to a pastor I recently heard preach on the issue of
forgiveness. I thought it might be relevant to some of us as well:
Hey Pastor,
7 years ago
You're craving ME!
I really hope that you do MUCH MUCH WELL (i am slowly losing my english skills) ON THE MCAT ASHER!
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. we want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. we do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." hebrew 6:10-12
"through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise- the fruit of the lips that confess his name. and do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." hebrews 13:15
"by one sacrifice he has MADE PERFECT forever those who are BEING MADE HOLY." hebrews 10:14
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