All this talk of Lent... here are some of my thoughts about it.
I don't think I knew what Lent was, growing up. I don't even recall the first time I observed it, or what I gave up. I wonder if I understood what it meant at the time.
As I take this time to be alone, and have some introspection... I think I can begin to understand the "reason for the season." hehe.
We have so much but are willing to give up so little to the One who's given us EVERYTHING.
I want Lent to be real this year.
I want to not just give something up and then simply fill that space in my life with something else... I want this sacrifice to mean something, to be a way to experience God fuller, more real in my life.
Pastor Billy told us the other day that if we truly give something up and are really experiencing Lent, we should be growing closer to God.
I want that.
So... here goes.