Establishing Lasting Forgiveness
A letter I wrote to a pastor I recently heard preach on the issue of
forgiveness. I thought it might be relevant to some of us as well:
Hey Pastor,
7 years ago
HAHAHAHAHA OMG I LOVE THIS VIDEO!! HAHAHA!!! YO why is your webcam SO much cooler than mine???
hahaha you're cute! i'm sorry... but the old jonghwa is not there anymore. he was replaced by the man in him which exists now.
HAHAHAHA you are a nerd! pikachu!! i definitely LOL'd...and seriously...o_O why does ur webcam have that stuff?!
how come you didn't let people comment on your latest blog post??? how am i supposed to encourage you! j/p but yes i totally understand those mixed up swirly down feelings, i've been having some of those myself these days, have hope ash! i believe in you! but more importantly Jesus believes in you! peace/rest/change, all things take time, but if you look back, see how far u've come, life is a bunch of ups and downs right? i miss you! if you ever need to talk! call me! or we can skype too!
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