I've been playing with the idea of blogging for awhile now... the biggest factor being my gomo (that's "paternal aunt" for any non-Koreans out there) insisting that there's a way to make money in almost anything..... she expressed her incredulousosity at the fact that there are people out there who make money by posting their thoughts on the internet (Perez Hilton comes to mind). Obviously that's not happening here, but her suggestion made me consider it at least.
So, in the wake of (temporarily?) killing my Facebook, here I am starting a blog!
I stopped by Covent Garden Market today after dropping off the little brother at the Y for his swimming lesson... I was in need of loose-leaf teas for to start my month-long venture that is called the Detox Diet. I'm trying to take it more seriously this time, not just relying on buckwheat noodles, mushrooms and baked sweet potato to get me through... I really want to see if my eczema will clear up a bit by changing my usual intake of food.
So this detox diet calls for use of herbal teas incorporating the likes of calendula flowers (aka. marigold aka. chamomile), echinacea (have
nettles, and other such earthy leafy things.
I'm quite excited actually to brew these teas
in my brand spankin' new teapot that I bought from The TeaHaus! (http://www.theteahaus.com/)
I actually took a bunch of pictures (after asking permission) of the store cuz I remembered Hannah expressing that she missed the place, so Hans here you go!
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